#224: A WORLD STRANGE AND LOST. Sebastian Barry’s 2016 novel Days Without End balances such disparate elements—love and violence,...
These in-depth, thought-provoking, and often funny posts are the brainchild of The Book Barn's very own Glenn. He never fails to make a great recommendation, useful warning or entertaining suggestion!
#224: A WORLD STRANGE AND LOST. Sebastian Barry’s 2016 novel Days Without End balances such disparate elements—love and violence,...
#223: GUILLEVIC. Among the masters of poetic compression—Dickinson, Creeley, the Quebecoise Anne Hébert, Celan, the great haiku...
#222: KYRIE. “Why did you have to go back, go back / to that awful time, upstream, scavenging / the human wreckage, what happened or...